How to grow a continuous supply of salad greens 365 days of the year

Salad greens are right at the forefront of production in our garden, be it February or July, and always having these on hand provides a significant saving for us as a family. Its also so convenient - if the fridge is empty, there is always something green in the garden to go with dinner.

Dollar value for space used, salad greens are far and away our most productive crop - they take up little space, and you can go from sowing to harvest in six weeks. After a few years of perfecting my cultivation methods, I think I can now share how to do this, based on a few simple principles.

 Mesclun patch (photograph centre) with mizuna and corn salad. Lettuces along front garden edge. Radishes germinating to right, with an old deck chair used as a support for cucumbers.

The first is to have suitable ground, and for our family of 4, about 2 square metres of ground is all that is needed to allow us to pick 2-4 salads per week. The soil needs to hold plenty of moisture, to sustain the crop through the summer months, be relatively fine, and be well composted and limed. In practice, the soil should be roughly 50:50 topsoil and compost, worked to a depth of at least 10 cm, with a dressing of garden lime (like icing a cake) at least twice per year. Within the garden, a full sun position is OK, but if you can find somewhere that gets partial shade during the summer, that is preferable.

With 2 square metres of ground, I would have two 1m2 salad patches.

One patch is used to sow a mesclun mix (Kings Seeds, Original Mesclun mix is what I use). Sow the seeds over a finely worked patch  so they fall at roughly one centimetre spacing, rake over with fingers, then press down firmly. Keep well moist at all times and the seedlings will germinate quite densely, and with a follow up weed at 4 weeks, will dominate the patch of ground for several months. Start picking after 4-6 weeks, and keep picking regularly (pull off individual leaves, or cut at 5 cm above the ground with scissors) and keep harvesting the patch until it goes to seed, turns bitter, or production drops off), then dig it over and start the process again. Sometimes I will get 3-4 months of picking off one sowing, and from one seed packet I get at least 10 sowings. So it works out as VERY cheap, fresh, convenient greens. If you use Kings Mesclun Original expect some seasonal variation - I find that in the winter, mizuna and corn salad are dominant, and in the spring, summer, and autumn, mizuna, endive, pak choi, and lettuces are the best growers.

The second patch of 1m2 is used to grow lettuces, radishes, and calendula (for the bright orange petals). Prepare the ground in the same way, and grow loose leaf lettuces like "cos", "lolla rossa" or "oak leaf". Pick them leaf by leaf, and each plant will produce for several months. By planting new lettuces as soon as old ones get pulled out, the supply of lettuce is continuous, and can cover the periods when the mesclun is between sowing and first harvest. Salads with a mixture of loose leaf lettuce, mesclun, and radish can be easily grown year round. If your garden is in the shade in the winter, like mine is, try to sow a patch of mesclun around April-early May. That way the plants can be well established before it gets too dark and wet.

If you have more space to spare than 2m2, shift the patches of mesclun around the garden to achieve crop rotation (which naturally reduces plant diseases), and why not grow some tomatoes, cucumber, and spring onions too?

Happy gardening,


The garden in October: A photographic essay

 View over garden beds planted with silverbeet, garlic, mesclun, coriander, cucumber, courgette, lettuce, spring onion, and calendula.

 The garlic bed: 30 bulbs to be harvested in January (at $1.32 each for NZ garlic). I will then put it into parsnip for a winter crop.
 One of our espaliered apples - all you need is a spare fence to grow apples, pears, peaches, quinces, figs, or grapes. Its not difficult (more a case of tough love for bending and pruning them into shape) and I love the look.
 Our silverbeet grows massive and lush, but I think it is the copious compost and liquid fertiliser it gets that makes this difference.
 Our courgette bed (shortly I will pull out the weaker of each pair). To maximise production I interplant with quick-to-harvest plants like mesclun and pak choi (these are the seedlings you can see germinating everywhere). These will grow to maturity and be harvested before the courgettes engulf the bed for the remainder of the summer. When the courgettes finish in April-May, this bed will become our winter salads bed for 2012.
 Our current salad bed, with carrots (left end), lettuce, mizuna, cress, cornsalad (centre) and radish and cucumber (right hand end).
 Recently divided rhubarb with compost added to the bed and a thick mulch of flax leaves to retain summer moisture. The bed was first planted 5 years ago, so was due for renewal. I expect to resume harvest of rhubarb in the New Year, and it will then keep on producing for a few more years.
Heavily composted bed. It might look rough but this is the kind of coarse organic matter that is sometimes needed to inject life into a compacted humus-poor soil. In a few weeks time this will be planted with Thai eggplants.

The Month of Silverbeet (and how to make it edible)

September has really been the month of silverbeet. This much maligned vegetable is crucial for us over the late winter and spring, when other winter crops such as beetroot are long gone, and ones like courgette, tomato, and cucumber are yet to come. Its also great for your health, and one of the easiest to grow. In fact silverbeet is one of the few I dont need to sow - I just transplant them from wherever they sprout up as 'weeds' back into an orderly row.

We use silverbeet wherever you might use spinach - its great in quiches, and on its own it is completely transformed to something gourmet with the addition of lemon juice and rock salt. Just squeeze over lemon juice and sprinkle with rock salt after steaming, or if you are doing a BBQ, roughly chop the silverbeet, pile onto a sheet of tinfoil, generously add lemon juice and rock salt, and then fold up into a parcel. Then place it on the BBQ plate for 5-10 minutes before serving - its absolutely delicious!

Its been a busy month in the garden. Our climbing beans (Dalmation, Scarlett Runner, Purple King, Borlotti Stoppa) are planted and beginning to climb, and I have recently planted courgettes, cucumber (F1 Diva and Tasty Queen), spring onion, lettuces, coriander, carrots (Scarlett Nantes and Belgian White), strawberries, beetroot, and the first tomatoes. In a couple of weeks time the seeds sown indoors back in August (eggplant, capsicum, basil, tomatoes) will be ready for planting too.

The value of the yield from our garden this month was a nice surprise, thanks to the plentiful harvest of silverbeet, herbs, and mesclun (tat soi, mizuna, cress, lettuce, corn salad, bok choi, calendula) (see the table below for details). Hopefully this is encouragement to get out there, get your soil humming, and turn those dreams of summer bounty to reality.

Till next time,


kg/quantityprice value
oranges 0.75 2.49 1.87
jerusalem artichoke 0.8 5 4.00
oregano 1 3.25 3.25
bay leaves 1 4.96 4.96
mesclun 5 3.68 18.40
parsley 2 2.99 5.98
rosemary 1 3.25 3.25
thyme 1 3.25 3.25
spring onion 1 2.29 2.29
lemons 2 0.63 1.26
garlic 1 1.32 1.32
silverbeet 4 3.75 15.00

 $        64.83


courgette plant

lettuce 2 punnets

strawberry plants 3

blitzem half packet

mesclun seeds


 $        15.54

5 hours of time (weeding and soil preparation)

benefit minus costs

 $        49.29